Spacecraft — The Workplace Design Podcast
The Spacecraft Podcast series reviews and examines how well-designed workspaces can be transformative, not just for day-to-day working, but for businesses as a whole. Dan Moscrop, Founder and CEO of Them Design speaks with leading businesses to see how design has impacted their workspaces. We interview the directors of co-working organisations that are leading the charge on how office spaces should be created, and the architects behind some of the most innovative office environments you'll see.
47 episodes
Rachel Edwards — Designing for seven generations
Rachel Edward is Workplace Futures Lead at Lendlease, and if you're involved in workplace in London you'd be pushed to not be aware of her work. She's Rachel has been involved in a number of pioneering projects working on workplaces globally ap...
Season 5
Episode 9
Collin Burry — Design is about getting your hands dirty and diving head first into the learning process
Collin Burry has been with Gensler for nearly 27 years and is as passionate about design as the day he started, which comes across really well in our ...
Season 5
Episode 8
Ivana Stanisic — How the blurring of the lines between live, work and play is improving our communities
Ivana Stanisic wowed me a while ago in a talk she did for PlaceLabs, the them was 'Belonging' her key message was the necessity of valuing personal agency. Ivana’s talk p...
Season 5
Episode 7
Ben Channon — We need to design happiness into our spaces
I read Happiness by Design by Ben Channon during Covid, packed with sensible suggestions, and a checklist of how our homes should...
Season 5
Episode 6
Chris Coleman-Brown — Places need to work for people
After a unique route into real estate; Chris worked in managing agent and client-side roles on many of the most exciting developments of the last 20 years. With ...
Season 5
Episode 5
Rosanna Vitiello — How could shifts in organisation, knowledge, and ownership impact the places we play, work, and call home?
I'm know Rosanna through the PlaceLabs event we founded together (soon to be rebooted, might I add!) and can comfortably say she's one of the smartest, most engaging and creatively curious people I know. — and I know a lot of smart, engaging, c...
Season 5
Episode 4
Nick Gaskell — How to build communities from scratch
Nick explores his interest in progressive, diverse spaces for working and learning. He has a passion for promoting technology to innovate in how we create modern workplaces. In ou...
Season 5
Episode 3
Will Sandy — Creating sustainable projects to build a new social capital
I find talking to Will is always inspiring, and though he's from a different sector I love his approach to work and passion for self initiated socially beneficial projects. Though he's a Landscape Architect by trade I find it hard to 'put him i...
Season 5
Episode 2
Jennifer Bryan —Silence is really loud in leading change.
Jennifer Bryan is a published author, speaker and Director of Change and Leadership, who has worked with nearly 40 different organisations across multiple industries. In today's podcast Jennifer manages to unpack all the complex elements you ne...
Season 5
Episode 1
James Saunders — Without the right people you can't achieve your business goals.
James Saunders is the Associate Director of Workplace Recruitment at Talent Locker, they specialise in placing experts in Workplace Consulting and Change Management. Every business we speak to seems to be struggling to fill positions or find gr...
Season 4
Episode 6
Nigel Oseland — Beyond the Workplace Zoo
Friend of the show Nigel Oseland is back with his most recent book on workplace design, 'Beyond the Workplace Zoo', backed up with years of research and experience (and his wife Maggie's insistence he gets out of her hair during lockdown)...
Season 4
Episode 5
Lee Penson — How to deliver big ideas to big brands with a rapid delivery and sustainable outcome...
I had the pleasure of meeting Lee at the Virtual Interiors Event during a talk we did together. This is one of our longer recordings as Lee is so engaging I struggled to cut much of it out.Lee founded & continues to lead globally re...
Season 4
Episode 4
Dani Salamon & Michael Kieck — Creating a Blended Solution to Workplace
We've worked with both Dani and Michael of MoreySmith on some of our favorite (and indeed award-winning) projects. We love working with MoreySmith due to their attention to detail and the fact that they push every project as a matter of course....
Season 4
Episode 3
Jonathan Wagstaffe — Why We Need To Over-Communicate With Our Staff
Jonathan is a tech entrepreneur, digital marketing educator, and keynote speaker, with decades of experience in growing businesses. We're taking a slightly different angle for today...
Season 4
Episode 2
Simon Jordon — Applying First Principle Thinking to Your Workplace
I met Simon through my good friend Ben James, and was immediately captivated by his warmth and humour, which you'll hear comes across well in the interview. Simon Co-Founde...
Season 4
Episode 1
Sally Rice & Beth Harrision — We had to launch The Virtual Interiors Event to bring back organic connections.
Beth and Sally met at Sketch before both setting up their respective businesses just before lockdown. As they navigated their new ventures and caught up with their network."We kept hearing the same message, there was a loss of confidenc...
Season 3
Episode 7
Caroline Pontifex — Finding the cultural motivation behind a business, and what makes them tick.
Caroline Pontifex is director of workplace experience at KKS Savilles and leads their occupier and workplace strategy team. Advising occupiers using workplace as a vehicle for change, and developers ensuring real estate solutions are able to re...
Season 3
Episode 6
Giuseppe Boscherini, Nikita Mikhailov & Olga Vysotska — How are you feeling?
Due to the current situation with Covid I wanted to touch base with podcast favourites Giuseppe Boscherini & Nikita Mikhailov who are joined by Olga Vysotska ( Treasurer, Board Member, Maternal Mental Health Alliance; Chief Listening Office...
Season 3
Episode 5
Neil Usher — Making stuff happen when nothing stands still
We catch up with Neil Usher, Chief Workplace & Change Strategist, GoSpace AI, on the back of his talk at Workplace Trends which you can find here Neil is an avid blogger and au...
Season 3
Episode 4
Rachel Basha & Nicola Osborn — Human centric design and the changing face of the landlord/occupier relationship.
Our interview with Rachel Basha, Founder and Design Director and Nicola Osborn, Creative Director of Basha—Franklin. As an Interior Design business they have human-centric design at the core of their work, we caught up with them after their Fut...
Season 3
Episode 3
Kay Sargent — Covid is impacting building culture, mentoring, ideating, growing and connecting.
Kay Sargent is a Senior Principal and Director of Workplace at HOK. With 35 years of experience, She is a recognized expert on workplace design and strategy issues. She is an award-...
Season 3
Episode 2
Shane Kelly — The importance of place and interaction
We’re pleased to announce the return of Spacecraft with Series 3 of the podcast, we had a little pause with everything currently happening while we established what the future holds with workplace. We did have a couple of great recordi...
Season 3
Episode 1
Nicola Rutt: Industrial Rehab and transforming old buildings
With International Women's Day this weekend, who better to talk to than Nicola Rutt of HawkinsBrown. At the time on writing Nicola was recently shortlisted for the W Award (formerly Women in Architecture Award) and for the MJ Long Prize for her...
Season 2
Episode 13
Rosie Haslem: the value of an iterative approach to design
Rosie Haslem from Spacelab joins us for this episode to discuss their unique approach to design. We learn how they use virtual reality to engage their clients, checking in with them throughout the process, and changing as necessary. We hear how...
Season 2
Episode 12
Giuseppe Boscherini & Nikita Mikhailov: what do you get if you cross an architect with a psychologist?
It turns out you get personality-based workspace design. In this episode, we discuss how personality can be used to design spaces. We’ve known for some time that personality affects a great deal of things, including how we perceive our environm...
Season 2
Episode 11